Xuanmen Shezhao Ke

 Xuanmen Shezhao Ke

The meaning of “Shezhao” is to summon the soul of deceased to the altar in order to let the Daoist priests perform a funeral ritual. In this ritual, the priests would utilize long narrow flag to summon the deceased. Then the deceased would bath in the water of Heaven River. The souls would be leaded by scripture chanters and relatives to cross over the bridges to arrive the altar. They would listen to the scripture chanting and take refuge in the Three Jewels.


Ritual: Xuanmen Shezhao Ke

Production Year: 2018

Movie time: 01:00:13

Performer: Fung Ying Seen Koon

Producer: Fung Ying Seen Koon


  1. 啟頌讚
  2. 吊掛
  3. 三召請
  4. 召魂偈(一)
  5. 召魂偈(二)
  6. 過橋讚
  7. 五方童子偈(腔一)
  8. 五方童子偈(腔二)
  9. 經功偈
  10. 道寶讚
  11. 三皈依(道寶)
  12. 經寶讚
  13. 三皈依(經寶)
  14. 師寶讚
  15. 三皈依(師寶)